Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama elected as 44th President!
Monday, October 27, 2008
10-14-08 (has passed)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Someone New!
Posted with LifeCast
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Never before have i been so inspired by a speech!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I Think We're Alone Now!
Posted with LifeCast
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Bored Bored Boredom!
Posted with LifeCast
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
What The iPod Needs/ Is Lackin…
Posted with LifeCast
Monday, July 21, 2008
Boring Day Off Work
Posted with LifeCast
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Waiting For My Mother...
Posted with LifeCast
Boredom And 2.0
Posted with LifeCast
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
iPhone 3g
So, theres the new ad. ive heard several bad things contract wise which you can read via! ive i had $200 dollars and $70+ a month to throw at AT&T & Steve Jobs this would be great. on the plus side my ipod touch, which i often update this blog from will get the same upgrade to 2.0 as the iPhone but for $9.95 as upposed to free.
Monday, May 5, 2008
whats a blog got to do, got to do with it?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Good is not good enough!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
ok so im bored now what?

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Amuka @ B-Bob's
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I got my pride!
off. Its usually packed downtown on nights like this. It was definetly
packed last weekend. So hopefully I'll have fun and maybe brian will
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Last minute meet.
that's not what this blog post is about. As I was saying my goodbyes I
approached a friend of mine who was talking to a friend of his. I
noticed right off how cute the friend was. He had his iPhone sitting
on the bar so i asked him if I could look at it but I promised not to
look at any personal stuff. So we're all talking in during the
conversation I said "I'm gonna put my number in here so u can call
me." he replied warmly "I would like that very much." so as I spent
three hours leaving, we spent that time talking, flirting, him groping
me. He kept asking if him touching me bothered me and I kept replying
"if it brothers me I'll stop you!" we later ended the night he walked
me to my car and I drive home to his, we said our goodbyes then before
he got out of my car he planted a kiss on my lips. He seems like a
really sweet guy, the right person for me (compared to the last ones),
he was very concerned about my comfort. He has a great, bright
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Monday, March 24, 2008
Britney Spears on TV
"How I Met Your Mother". Well the show just went ended. I think she
did great. It was a mickey mouse club comedy performance, but was
still enjoyable. Let's hope this means she's all better and will be
getting her kids back SOON.
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Monday, March 17, 2008
Britney's Back.
will be playing a receptionist at a doctors office. This being her
first tv apearance since her public meltdown. As a fan I hope this
means she finally did the 8 steps. She needs to be back with her kids.
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
DJ MEXi In Real Life.
There was literally no cloud in the sky. There was a very light
breeze. Birds were chirping, flowers are in bloom. It was a great day
for a walk.
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Sunday, March 2, 2008
My first concert experience.
were performing! Didn't remember who they were at first but then it
came to me this morning!
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Random boredom.
Bored. So I was warching American idol and they showed puala and
randy's new song "dance like there's no tomorrow". I love it and of
course can't wait for the techno remix to come out. I'll be blasting
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Monday, February 18, 2008
What's love got to do with it?
other and I have started our relationship over again a year later.
He's away in rehab for depression. See the thing is I don't think I
care for him like I should. If this were a year ago I'd be impatient
waiting for his return. What bothers me is that first he asked me back
out, I said yes, then he told me about going to rehab. I think he
played me in sorts. I think he thought that if he said rehab first
then asking me out I would have said no. And probably would have. I
don't think its gonna work out. He put me through so much heartache
before. All the drinking drug abuse lies. I find myself checking for
potential boyfriend candidates when I go out. I'm torn... I'm not sure
if I should ride it out (no pun intended) or tell him how I feel and
call it off for just those reasons. Sigh!
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Saturday, February 16, 2008
I just realized...
My friends family deosn't know he's gay so he said act straight. From
that point on I didn't say anything cuz I knee my cover would have
been "blown". Which made me realize that gay men never win academy
awards for acting straight but straight men win awards for acting gay.
By the way his nephew was a hot emo boy without the cutting I assume
and is 19 so you guys think I'm molesting children! Until next time...
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentines Day
boyfriend, cyril, is "away". So on holidays such as this or my
birthday I'm always alone. Let me rephrase that "single". But anyways
I'll probably be spending tonite mixing music or watching some movie.
-The music gets me high-
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My iPod touch review
first it was just a boring iPod but, the January '08 software upgrade
made it better. It has "more to touch" with maps, mail, notes, stocks,
and weather. The only downfall is that you must have wifi at home or
be near a "hot spot" to use the Internet functions. With "web apps"
the iPod touch functionality is extended. The homescreen is now
customizable, with up to 9 homescreens. The google maps application is
faulty in my opinion. When u choose current location it always shows
me in Michigan when I'm in Mississippi. But I'm guessing that's
because its locating the wifi's i.p. address (such as where ever
at&t's Internet servers are). The safari app exits eratically on some
of the sites I visit. Maybe apple is reading this and will have
changes in the next update. One thing I would like to see is a camera
that plugs into the bottom of the iPod touch and saves them in the
photos section oh and the ability to save photos sent via email.
-The music gets me high-
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Daft Punk at the Grammy's
daft punk at the Grammy's. Well if u don't know who daft punk is
google them. Here in the states you've heard the robot twins backing
kanye west in "stronger". The song you here in the back is "harder,
better, faster, stronger" you may also know them for "technologic" or
maybe their old hit "one more time". Anyways, their Grammy performance
with kanye was great. Afterwards kanye performed a song about his mom!
-The music gets me high-
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Across the Universe
The trailirs u may or may not have saw deos not even begin to express
what this great movie is all about. It starts low gets "high" then
ends with ur life changed. From a child being killed in the Detroit
riots to lady limberty being carried by soldiers in Vietnam, this
movie truly depicts the revolution going on in the 60's. Even though
this movie takes place in such a time it still connects with the world
around us now. By the way its a golden globe nominee! Forget renting
this movie go buy it now or download it from iTunes.
-The music gets me high-
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
That darn movie
too much. But I do have to say it was a good movie.
-The music gets me high-
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
my life too. My sister died in a car wreck on august 5th 2007 (9+5+2+0
+0+7=23). My birthdate october 23 1983. My boyfriend has 23 letters in
his full name. This message totals 23 words.
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Monday, February 4, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Another nite at the discoteka!
it was packed. I dance from just after Jackie Beat till last call. DJ
Chromatic is awesome. I loved every song he played one after the
other. I HAD A BLAST!!!
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Friday, February 1, 2008
Logo me!
this blog is The Techno Child ( I would
like something edgy that represent the club lifestyle. Maybe something
discoball-ish, maybe like the circles on madonna's last album. Any and
all submissions will be used and credit will be given. Email them to
me at . Thanks!
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Apple, Inc. is watching you!
those paranoid the-government- is-watching-you types. But, if you
think about it the governement, Apple, or both could be watching us.
Using your iPhone or iPod touch and network uplinks to the Internet
via AT&T or wifi connections the firmware in your device could be
sending information to one of mentioned parties. We have no idea what
is in the firmware updates Apple provides just what they tell us.
Think of all the spyware and viruses on the net... same basic
principal! The light sensor dot on the top of the device screen could
be a small spy cam used to record small bits of info. Nah!, I'm just
bullshitting you! Mas hasteria over!
-Sent from my iPod Touch-
Service @ local McDonalds SUCKS!
mcdonald's sucks! Especially on weekends and at night. The teenagers
are more worried about sociallising with eachother than satisfying
costumers. During breakfast on one Sunday morning, from point of order
to point of pick up, it took 20 minutes to get my one simple order of
a cinnamon melt. At the window the never give u napkins or plastic
wear without first asking for it. Also, its the only mcdonalds that
charges for extra sauce and what's the deal with that take out tax?
They tax you for eating there and they tax you for taking it out. Ok'
Ronald McDonald is getting money hungry.
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