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Monday, October 27, 2008

10-14-08 (has passed)

ok, so theres this thing floating around the net and youtube about some woman, named goodchilde, that recieved word of an alien event that was supposed to happen on october 14th. you should definetly google this information even if you dont believe in aliens and such its still an interesting read! google such keywords as GFL, galactic federation of light (sounds star wars-y to me), oct 14th, 2008; and goodchilde! im not a total skeptic. i would say that if i could see it or touch it with my own eyes or hands then i will agree that it does exist but i also am not naive enought to think that we're the only intellegent life in this galaxy! i may not be one to say its real but i will agree its possible! heck for a long time no one knew pluto existed (no, not the disney character)! theres no gaurantee that earths many governments dont already know of this stuff they just arent telling us! did you know that JFK's assasination was a conspiracy and thats been proven! remember when earth was thoght of to be flat! remember when we learned the sun doesnt revolve around us, and i dont mean that in a cliche' way! all i can say is if you cant prove it doesnt exist with hardcore proof than dont force me to believe you!