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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Michael Jackson

Its been almost a month since michaels death. Im still sad about his
passing. Everybody fan or not can remember his music, his videos, some
were even mini movies like bad. For those of us old enough to remember
when mtv played music, he was the first black to have a video on that
channel. Michael's music has been in my life every step of the way.
This guy was truly given a gift. Im glad he was chosen to share it
with the world. I personally dont care if he did or didnt do what the
media accusses him of, michael was the SHIT. U continue to see his
inspiration in music and dancing. Michael you will be forever loved
and missed. You brought happiness into so many lives. Your music
touched so many people. Its truly amazing how one many had such a
following as he did. No artist to this day can hold a candle to him.

Sent from my iPod touch 2G 3.0

Sunday, April 26, 2009

random thought!

Ok so, y do straight guys get uncomfortable when gays flirt with them. If they're truly straight then they should be able to play or flirt back with no issues! If a str8 flirted with another str8 then some questions should be raised!
Mobile Blogging from here.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

iPod touch 3.0 beta

ok so im currently rocking the beta version of the upcoming 3.0 iphone/ ipod touch firmware. its a little buggy as expected. best feature by far is the stereo bluetooth. streetview has been enabled. the voice memo app isnt include (maybe in final release). i have yet to have a need for the cut copy paste feature. of course in the beta onle first party apps go landscape none 3rd party unless already supported. one random bug i get is rhw keyboard click stops and typing takes a while. when are synced everything back to my pod it took 5 mins instead of usual 20 mins! as always theres improvements to be made but all in all its a good beta at the least.
Mobile Blogging from here.